„Everyone wants to change the world whenever they make the effort to do something. I don’t think I ever believed the world could be changed in the literal sense of the phrase. I thought the world could be described.”
(Krzysztof Kieślowski, from an interview with Stanisław Zawiśliński)

Participants’ obligations

1. Each Participant who is invited to the Program is obliged to pay a participation fee (€800) to the Organizer’s bank account following the selection announcement, and no later than two weeks before the start of the ScripTeast Lab. Nonpayment may result in the exclusion from ScripTeast.

2. A second writer participating additionally to the writer submitting the project must pay the participation fee (€800) as well as the amount agreed with the Organizer covering costs arising from his/ her presence at the stationary sessions to the Organizer’s bank account following the selection announcement, and no later than two weeks before the start of the ScripTeast Lab.

3. Each Participant must sign the participation agreement before the ScripTeast Lab.

4. Each Participant is personally obliged to take part in the ScripTeast’s entire, yearlong Program and be fully dedicated to it during the sessions. Activities unrelated to the ScripTeast Program are not allowed during the stationary sessions period.

5. If a Participant fails to attend any session without giving a serious reason, he/she must reimburse all costs incurred by the Organizer from the beginning of the Program. The same applies to cases where a Participant withdraws from the Program before its end. The paid participation fee (€800) will be deducted from those costs and is not refundable.

6. Each Participant is obliged to rewrite his/her script after the Lab and before the end of December, and must also submit the final version before the deadline specified in the schedule.

7. Each Participant is personally obliged to place the credit ‘Developed with the assistance of ScripTeast’ together with the Program’s logo on the front page of all subsequent versions of the script in any language, in electronic and printed forms.

8. Each Participant is personally obliged to include the credit ‘Developed with the assistance of ScripTeast’ and logo of the Program in the credits of a film produced on the basis of the script, no matter from version. The logo is available from DOWNLOADS.
Failure to fulfill this condition may result in the Organizer’s request to return the costs of the writer(s)’s taking part in the Program: travel costs, hotel and subsistence and the costs of the organization of the Program (approximately €25 000).

9. A contribution of 0.2% of the project’s production budget (but not more than €5 000 euro) is to be paid no later than on the first day of the principal shooting. These funds will be used to organize the next editions of the Program. The contribution is due from the moment the project completes the Lab no matter if it continues with the Program, is withdrawn or is excluded.